
Welcome to my new blog, powered by Hugo!

2023 Review and 2024 Goals

My favourite study material from 2023 and the study plan for 2024

Deploying Cloud Run with Service YAML

Declarative, source-controllable configuration

Microsoft Applied Skills: Power Automate

Microsoft attempts a new way of validating learning pathways

Workload Identity Federation for CI/CD on GCP

A better way to authenticate service accounts

Building the Blog Pt. 5: Migrating to Hugo and Firebase

Sometimes simpler is far better

Building the Blog Pt. 4: Wagtail

The "C" in CMS does not stand for "Clever"

Building the Blog Pt. 3: "Production" ft. SQLite

Insane approaches to running at low cost

Apache Iceberg on GCP

Is lakehouse in all our futures?

Building the Blog Pt. 2: Continuous Delivery

Automating the boring stuff

Building the Blog Pt. 1: Starting the web application

The first run at getting everything ready

The Cloud Resume Challenge and Building the Blog

The where, why and how this blog started